Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Indonesians National Hero Day

Today is November 10th and it is the Indonesians National Hero Day. So, Happy Indonesians National Hero day to you all, specially for all of our hero who were (maybe) already in God's Palace now. I hope God can give a special place for them in the heaven. Me and my friends, the young generation, the future generation, promise we will give our best to this country. We will give our best to Indonesia. We respect our national heroes. Even though I am not attended LIA's class this evening, I still respect our national heroes. *What do you mean by that?? *I don't know LOL.

I went out from school at 4.30 PM. My LIA class started at 5, I thought that if I went there i wouldn't arrived on time. The roads was very busy. Cars everywhere. Yeah it is traffic jam, again. I would have been late if I had go to LIA after school today. Traffic jam is always be the main problem in the city. Too many cars, I myself don't know how to decrease traffic jam even though I've already think about it like hundred times, I still confused about the solution. People said that these two days traffic jam is caused by Obama's visit to Indonesia yesterday. Many roads closed down. Peoples are often stuck in the middle of traffic jam for like two hours.

For me, it is not just Obama who caused the traffic jam because it is already happen before Mr. President came here yesterday. Hey there Obama, i just wanna say welcome back to Indonesia, enjoy our foods, traditions, and scenery. I bet you like nasi goreng, sate, and bakso, aren't you? haha I know it from the national TV station yesterday. Once again, enjoy Indonesia! :)

Monday, November 08, 2010


Everyday is special.
Something new always happen.
Today is today not tomorrow nor yesterday.
I've learned one lesson from what I had been done today. It is about my delaying things habit. Yes, you can call me a procrastinator. I always put things off. I don't like doing my homework. I prefer browsing the internet and watching TV than study or doing school assignment. So, what happen to me today is I got scolded by my teacher because when she was checking my book, the assignment that she gave me last week as a homework hadn't finished yet. She was angry and gave me bad affective mark. I am so sad and confused. My friends told me that if she angry and give you a bad affective mark, you won't passed the grade. Of course I don't want it happen to me. Then I decided to made all the assignment she gave me in 1 hour and collected it to her after the last hour of school. I am doing that assignment in Japanese language class. I got stressed and done that homework very fast. I didn't pay attention at the Japanese language's teacher. As a result, now I don't understand what was my Japanese teacher explain to my class today. I have to learn it by myself and that is sooooooooooo difficult gah-_-

Sunday, November 07, 2010


hey hey hari ini Jakarta Fashion Week loh di Pacific Place, tapi sayang banget gue gabisa dateng padahal mauuuuuuuuu banget dateng kesana :(. Dari kemaren sebenernya udah ngerencanain mau kesana sama Hilda dan Kezia, eh tapi ternyata mereka gak bisa. Terus ngajak Jenny, eh tapi ternyata malah guenya yang gak bisa. Masalahnya gw bingung kesananya mau naik apa. Dengan uang yang cuma ada selembar 50rb di dompet bisa mengharapkan apa coba ini? kemungkinan besar gue baru bakal dapet uang lagi baru hari selasa, jadi selembar uang ini harus cukup sampe besok, pusing ga tuh huah. Naik taxi itu pemborosan besar, naik busway ngga tau turunnya dimana, so?? yes, I'm stayin' at home huh. Jenny mah enak dianter orang tuanya, lah gue orangtuanya kan jauh gimana coba mau sama siapa gueeeeee hah :(. Jujur gue iri banget sama temen temen seumuran gue yang masih tinggal 1 rumah sama orang tuanya. Mereka kemana mana bisa sama orangtua. Uang yang ngatur juga orang tua. Banyak yang bilang jauh dari orang tua itu enak loh bisa bebas. Ngeeeek-.- itu salah besaar teman teman. Jauh dari orang tua itu gaada enak enaknya. Apa apa mesti sendiri. Orang tua itu gabakalan bisa terganti posisinya, mau sama siapakek. Tapi, setelah gue pikir pikir ada yang lebih gaenak dari gue. Dia udah bener bener ditinggalin ayah atau ibunya. Dan alhamdulilah ayah dan ibu gue sampe sekarang masih ada, seengganya gue masih bisa bicara dan denger suara mereka :]. Jadi sekarang gue mau nyoba lebih keras lagi buat ga sering ngeluh, jalanin semuanya sendiri karena suatu saat nanti kita juga bakal hidup sendiri. Semua yang ada di dunia itu gak ada yang sifatnya kekal. Jadi, bersyukurlah atas apa yang udah dikasih Allah SWT buat kita karena sadar gak sadar banyak orang yang masih belum seberuntung kita.