Sunday, January 22, 2017

Book Review: Ayahmu Bulan, Engkau Matahari

Book Cover
Nayu : Hidup ini seperti kecap ya, Yah...?
Ayah : Tidak adakah penggambaran yang lebih baik dari sekadar mengibaratkan hidup ini seperti kecap, Nayu?
Nayu : Aku ingat kecap yang Ayah berikan. Semuanya kecap manis. Kecap nomer satu. Kata Ayah, kedelai membuat cerdas dan kuat.
Kecap by Lily Yulianti Farid is one of several short stories, in the book titled 'Ayahmu Bulan, Engkau Matahari', that successfully made me cried. And I cried in my way to Jakarta from Surabaya by train because this book is my travel-mate.

Attracted by the title and the cover, I bought this book around 6 months ago in coincidence. This book consist of 17 short stories which illustrated women's life struggle very well. From the affairs of wheat flour until the humanitarian mission in Ramallah. Almost all the main characters are women of diverse ages, races, cultures, and religions. they struggle with the search for identity, gender inequality, a love triangle, to the problems of socio-political which often puts women as the objects. Lily Yulianti Farid (the writer) clearly featuring the voices of women in shouting anxiety, anger, and resistance to injustice that often occur wherever they are.

A book worth to read for every women in the world.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Absurd 2017

Ketika pagi-pagi mau berangkat naik becak,
Mamang X : (pake logat sunda) hati-hati mba Rara ya, jangan lupa baca doa baca Bismillah
Rara : iyaa
Mamang X : KTP udah bawa KTP? awas banyak begal motor
Bibi X : (nyaut) mana ada begal motor ngambilnya becak-.-
Rara : lah iya kan naik becak? Hahaha