Friday, January 29, 2021

A Dream About Grandma

 I had a dream last night. I was just arriving to my grandma’s house and sit in the TV room. Then a phone call came from an un-identified number. I pick up the phone and..

It’s my grandma

🧑🏼‍🦳: halo ade dimana?

👩🏻: ini ade udah sampe eyangmah, di depan tv

🧑🏼‍🦳: oh eyangmah ngga denger, eyangmah kan udah tua

👩🏻: yaudah ngga papa yangmah, ade di sini ya

I hang up the phone and realize that my grandma has passed away. I call my aunt, who lives in that house also, but she didn’t answer. I check her room and it’s empty. I check my grandma’s room and it’s also empty. I was all alone in that house..

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